I was recently asked to install a printer for someone. They had the CD, but I found out the DVD/CD player wasn’t responding. I looked in the device manager and noticed there wasn’t a DVD/CD listed. I tried the add new hardware but it said no new hardware found. It is a Presario F700 laptop with vista. They said the DVD/CD used to work. I’ve never came across this issue before. What is wrong and what should I do? Thanks for your time.
This is most likely caused by an upper/lower filter issue. Simply follow these steps and then reboot your computer.
- Open RegEdit (Start>Run> Type “regedit”)
- Navigate to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}”
- Delete the “UpperFilters” value.
- Delete the “LowerFilters” value.
- Restart the computer.
- You might need to uninstall then reinstall any burning software you may have (Nero, iTunes, etc…) do this now.