How To Fix The Chromebook error: “This device is already locked in a mode that prevents enterprise enrollment. If you want to enroll the device you need to go through device recovery first.”

Here is the easy fix for the Chromebook error: “This device is already locked in a mode that prevents enterprise enrollment.  If you want to enroll the device you need to go through device
recovery first.”

Fix #1: Wipe the Chromebook in order to restart enrollment process

  1. Make sure you backup your data. All data will wiped from the Chromebook
  2. Follow the instructions found here.
  3. If you wish to enroll your Chromebook in an Admin Account then follow these instructions afterwards:

Fix #2: Completely reset your chromebook

This step will completely wipe your chromebook so you need to backup all of your data first. WARNING: This will WIPE everything on your Chromebook.

  1. Click on your account picture in the lower-right corner of your screen.
  2. Click on Settings. A window will appear.
  3. Click on Show Advanced Settings at the bottom.
  4. Find the “Powerwash” label and click Reset.
  5. In the window that opens click Restart.


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