Here is the easy fix for the Chromebook error: “This device is already locked in a mode that prevents enterprise enrollment. If you want to enroll the device you need to go through device
recovery first.”
Fix #1: Wipe the Chromebook in order to restart enrollment process
- Make sure you backup your data. All data will wiped from the Chromebook
- Follow the instructions found here.
- If you wish to enroll your Chromebook in an Admin Account then follow these instructions afterwards:
Fix #2: Completely reset your chromebook
This step will completely wipe your chromebook so you need to backup all of your data first. WARNING: This will WIPE everything on your Chromebook.
- Click on your account picture in the lower-right corner of your screen.
- Click on Settings. A window will appear.
- Click on Show Advanced Settings at the bottom.
- Find the “Powerwash” label and click Reset.
- In the window that opens click Restart.