What do I need to make our brand new Dell laptop connect to the internet when on
the road both in the states and Canada? It is WiFi capable as it has a little
WiFi symbol on it that lights up when you turn on the laptop. Do I have to buy
a monthly subscription from a service provider or a wireless router or just an
antenna? Please if you can help at all. We know nothing much about WiFi, and
any info we’ve found so far such as in truck stops all say we have to buy a
monthly subscription but that it only works with those individual truck stops.
We do have internet at home, as well as of course a cell phone for on the road.
The cell phone provider, Bell, doesn’t provide internet service in the US. Can
you help?Thanks,
Hello there Joyce. Unfortunately WiFi has a very limited range so there’s no way you can connect to one provider across both countries, or even one country for that matter. Think of the range as enough to share between the floors of your house.
More and more truck stops and other establishments are beginning to offer WiFi access but to connect your going to need to sign up for a (payment) account with each and every store. This isn’t the most convenient or economical way to connect to the internet but that’s about the best you’ll do with WiFi.
There is light at the end of the tunnel though. If you’re going to be in Canada then you can sign up for a monthly service from Rogers called Rogers Portable. (Bell has High Speed Unplugged.) Basically their both using their existing cell spots with a new technology called WiMax. WiMax is the next generation of wireless internet and networking and over the coming years more and more places
will have coverage. That being said at the moment both Rogers and Bell don’t offer anything in the US and I don’t know of anybody who offers anything that’s usable per se.
The service itself will cost you about $45 from Bell and $49 from Rogers but the Rogers service is slightly fast so that’s what I would go with. Remember that this is a recurring monthly charge not something you just pay once.
The coverage for both services isn’t the best but it’s not the worst it could be either. Rogers boasts coverage in 100 cities. Again like I said their using existing cell towers as their infrastructure. I’d check out their coverage maps and decide if it covers the area you need. (Bell’s Maps, and Roger’s Maps.)
To connect your laptop to the WiMax network Rogers or Bell will give you a special modem to plug into your computer. The modem is included in the setup and has two connections: Ethernet to transfer data to your computer and a power cord. It doesn’t require much power so you can use an invertor and connect it to your car’s or truck’s battery.
Thanks for asking and if you have anymore questions don’t hesitate to ask.
The Fake Geek
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