Fix: “\windows\system32\config\system” is missing or corrupt

Problem:One day you turn on your computer and have the computer tell you that it’s missing “\windows\system32\config\system” Nothing you do gets windows to boot normally.

Fix: Multiple causes. Read on.

This error might happen for a variety of reasons so I’ll post a few methods on dealing with this starting with the simplest and most obvious to the more complex.


  1. Take a look around at your computer. Try to remember if you bought any new printers, video cards or any other type of device that plugs into the computer recently.
  2. Unplug them. The new devices might be causing this error.
  3. Unplug any USB devices or extension devices using serial or parallel connectors.
  4. Reboot and see if that works.


  1. This could be a bad hard drive. Download hard drive diagnostics software from your drive manufacturer and run the “extended” or “full” tests.
  2. If the software points to the drive being defective then you’ve gotta get a new hard drive.


  1. You need to load into the Windows recovery console using your Windows XP OS Disc. I’ll assume you know how to do this. (If you don’t it’s really easy, just ask me on the forums and I’ll be glad to outline the steps.)
  2. Making sure you’re logged into the proper windows installation, type in “chkdsk /r.” This will force windows to do a thorough disk check and fix any errors it finds.
  3. After it is done try booting into windows.


Try the registry resetting method from Microsoft Knowledge Base article 307545.

How to explain this problem to the client: This was caused by something breaking or corrupted a part of windows. It could be caused by a bad hard drive or another means like a virus or improper installation/uninstall of a program.

Good luck and tell me how it goes on the forums.


Fix: Safe Mode boot hangs at agp400.sys

Problem:You try to boot into windows and it blue screens on you. Being a clever fellow you try safe mode and everything seems to be going great until the computer seemingly freezes when loading something called agp400.sys

Fix: Disable the video card driver using the Windows XP Recovery Console.

This problem is caused by an incompatible video card driver that has been recently installed. What you need to do is disable the driver so that windows can boot normally. Once the computer is in windows and the desktop loads download a “known good” version of the driver. You might also want to update the BIOS (flash it.)


  1. You need to load into recovery console using your Windows XP OS Disc. I’ll assume you know how to do this. (If you don’t it’s really easy, just ask me on the forums and I’ll be glad to outline the steps.)
  2. Making sure you’re logged into the proper windows installation, type in “listsvc“. This will pull up a listing of all the current services and drivers on your computer.
  3. Type in “Disable” and then the driver that you want to disable. In this case it will be the agp400.sys driver.
  4. Reboot into Windows.
  5. Find a “known good” version of the driver. Perhaps even an older one.
  6. <OPTIONAL> Some of these incompatibilities are solved with a new BIOS revision. You could try flashing the BIOS using a new revision from the manufacturers site and then reinstalling the video card driver. Could solve things.


If the above does not work you might need to fix some errors first. Run a disk check using recovery console.

  1. You need to load into recovery console using your Windows XP OS Disc. I’ll assume you know how to do this. (If you don’t it’s really easy, just ask me on the forums and I’ll be glad to outline the steps.)
  2. Making sure you’re logged into the proper windows installation, type in “chkdsk /r.” This will force windows to do a thorough disk check and fix any errors it finds.
  3. After it is done try booting into windows. If the problem persists apply the first method.

Good luck!

How to explain this problem to the client: After installing a new version of a video driver that was incompatible with your system (perhaps from Windows Update) the computer crashed whenever it tried to load that driver. We’ve removed the bad driver and installed a known good one. Your computer works great!

Good luck and tell me how it goes on the forums.


Tweak: Disable system paging of windows kernel

Tweak Name: Disable system paging of windows kernel

File Type: Registry File

Download: disablekernelpage.reg

This is something for vista users who want to speed up their computers. The system kernel is the heart of windows and controls alot of low level functions. It’s a system component that you want working at it’s best.

Unfortunately if you run out of RAM the kernel’s processes can be shunted off onto the page file on the hard drive. This could cause a dramatic decrease of kernel performance. However this tweak forces windows to keep the kernel in the faster RAM memory, thus speeding it up.

A note of caution. If you keep the kernel in memory this could cause a shortage of RAM for other applications and could actually slow down your computer. This is why I (and others) recommend that you only use this tweaks on computers with 1.5 GB of RAM or more.

Registry location:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

Change the value of the “DisablePagingExecutive” key to “1”.

Hope that helps.


Fix: Windows Explorer crashes on right-click and on opening a folder

Problem: Whenever you try to right-click on the desktop or you try to open Windows folders such as My Computer, windows crashes (explorer.exe restarts).

Fix: There is a corrupt Context Menu handler, find it and delete it from the registry.


This problem is caused by a corrupted shell extension created by a program. My exact case was caused by Adobe Reader but others have reported Photoshop, Divx and Spysweeper.

  1. Back up your registry, we will be deleting various registry values one by one until we hit the one that is causing the problem. After we find the bad key we need to restore the others we have deleted.
  2. Open up regedit.
  3. Browse to the following key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers
  4. There will be a list of context menu handlers here. Delete them one by one and after deleting each one try to right click on the desktop. When you can finally do so proceed to step 5.
  5. Remember which key finally did the trick and using your registry backup bring the registry to how it was before you started deleting context handlers. After that is done delete JUST the one that is causing the problems.
  6. If you delete all those values and the right-click still does not work then you need to move on to a different registry section. Repeat the above steps here: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers and here: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers.
  7. You might want to uninstall/reinstall the corrupted application.

How to explain this problem to the client: It would seem that one of the programs on your computer has become somewhat corrupted. Specifically the part that linked itself to the menu that appears when you right click. We needed to remove that part. Money please.

Good luck and tell me how it goes on the forums.


Question: How do I remove System Error Fixer off my pc?

Cathy writes:

How can I get System Error Fixer OFF my pc? I’m not really Great at working on here, but RRunner said I needed to get it Off. When I went where they told me it was just to hard for me to even Try. Can U Help Me?

The link to the forums.

A quick fix is just to delete the files and processes that the spyware uses. If your only goal is to remove the “System Error Fixer” malware then just run the automated removal tool that you can download here.


  1. Boot into Safe Mode for best results (although you don’t have to.)
  2. Open the compressed folder and run the program.
  3. Reboot the computer.

Of course if you’re infected by one type of malware you may be infected by other types (and viruses as well.) The best choice in this situation is to run an antispyware utility like Spybot Search and Destroy or SuperAntiSpyware.

Having other problems with your computer? Simply scan your computer for free to identify problem areas. Click here to start a free scan.


Acer Keyboard and Touchpad Problem. They don’t Work.

Problem: An Acer laptop is seemingly frozen but when you plug in an external USB keyboard and mouse the laptop works. It’s just the built-in touchpad and keyboard that don’t work or respond.

Fix: Remove the laptop’s battery.


Fix the the issue by turning off the laptop and removing the battery. Then turn on the laptop and you will see that the touchpad and keyboard are no longer frozen and now work.

How to explain this problem to the client: Good customer, it would appear that the battery you have is defective and needs to be replaced. It is causing a short in the system and is causing the keyboard and touchpad to not respond.

Good luck and tell me how it goes on the forums.


Apps: CCleaner

Program:CCleaner (Crap Cleaner)

Price: Freeware


Description: Cleans temp files from windows and also has a registry cleaner.

CCleaner is one of those tools that you really need (or if not need then will miss) when you’re doing tuneups or setting up a new computer. We all know that over time computers get filled with crap. Crap from the internet, crap from installers, crap from applications. The crap takes the form of temporary files such as browser cache and temp backups of your files as well as other things.

Introducing the Crap Cleaner! CCleaner will scan your computer and find all this crap and present it to you in a nice list form. All you need to choose is what to delete. (Hint: Probably everything.) I’ve seen the cleaner remove gigabytes of crap. Amazing!

The program also has a registry cleaner, and I know that there are many out there that are iffy about these as some tend to corrupt the registry. I’m happy to say that I’ve used CCleaner on hundreds of machines and it’s never messed anything up. However it does prompt you to do a registry backup, something you should be doing anyway before working on a clients machine. The cleaner will find obsolete keys such as file extensions not in use anymore and outmoded dll file keys.

And as if that is not enough the program also has a startup removal tool. It will scan startup  locations on your computer and let you choose which programs to stop from loading when Windows starts up. However I’m not as fond of this tool as I tend to use HiJack This for my startup removal needs.

The summary? CCleaner is a great tool that I use everyday, it’s user friendly and safe.


Public Service Alert from yours truly

Just a little reminder that you can ask me questions using the contact form to the right of the screen. These questions can range from novice questions to tech content requests. Remember I’m here to help you guys.

Once you submit a question I’ll answer it as soon as I can on the forums and send you an email saying that the answer is up. I’ve already got some questions but know where near enough!

Link to the forums.


Tweaks: Make more then one set of Recovery Discs on HPs

Tweak Name: Reset HP Recovery Disc Creation

File Type: Batch File

Download: HPRecoveryDiscs.bat

As anybody who has ever worked on a plethora of HP computers (and needed to set them up for clients) knows HP only allows for the creation of one set of Recovery Discs per computer. This means that if you’ve lost yours or if they became damaged you’re pretty much screwed.

Well until now.

This tweak has been on the net (whispered) for some time but I give it to you in the form of a handy batch file. What this file will do is delete the following two files:

  • c:\windows\sminst\hpcd.sys
  • d:\hpcd.sys

What that will do is reset the counter that HP computers use to track Recovery Disc creation. You’ll be able to create recovery discs over and over again. Awesome right?

So either just delete those files yourself or download the included batch file (right click> Save As) and get ready to burn!

update (20/05/2009): Some commentors are saying that the tweak no longer works and instead asks for the location of the recovery images. I’m assuming that HP caught onto this little trick and updated their software. I’ll try it myself next time I’m at work and I’ll let you guys know what I find.


Print: Computer Repair Invoice Sheet

Document Name: Computer Repair Invoice Sheet

Formats: OpenOffice, MS Word

Modifiable: Yes

Download: OpenOffice (25KB)

MS Word (82KB)

Description: A general purpose invoice sheet for those small repair shops that need one. It has a variety of sections from a repair summary, to technician notes, to an itemized listing of all the services rendered (as well as any product sold.)

At the bottom of the sheet there is a paragraph that the customer reads and signs for to protect yourself and to let the customer know that the services are complete.

Cost? Free and given by theFakeGeek to those that need it.

Disclaimer: I give this away and am not responsible for any of its use. I’m not providing legal advice or anything like that.