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How To Fix Windows Error 0x80072F8F In Two Seconds

If you’re trying to activate Windows and you’re running into the 0x80072F8F error on your PC, laptop, or Microsoft Surface tablet then here is the quick and easy solution.

In order to combat piracy Microsoft is becoming concerned with making sure that your computer is running a “real” version of Windows. So they’ve written checks and balances that make sure that everything is correct on your computer.

And you get the error usually when one of those checks and balances fails.

Fix #1

Usually this problem is resolved by fixing your date and time settings. Go back through the setup and make sure that your time, date, and timezone is correct.

Try to activate now.

Fix #2

If you’re still getting the error then try to dial back the time to a few days before today. Go back through the setup and change the settings to go back a day or two.

Try to activate. Remember to correct your date settings afterwords.

(You can also go through the setup without the serial number and without activating. Simply choose the trail/later option and once you’re in Windows change the time settings there and then enter the serial number and attempt activation. This applies to Fix #1 and Fix #2.)

Fix #3

The BIOS of your computer is a program that loads before Windows does. It has its own time and date settings that could possibly be incorrect.

Restart your computer/tablet and turn it back on. Watch carefully for any messages that say something like “Press F12 to SETUP” or “Press F11 for BIOS”.

Once you’re in the BIOS make sure that the date and time listed there is correct. If it isn’t then fix it, save your changes, and restart the computer.

Try to activate now.


How To Get Rid of BIO-FLASHER

If you’re getting a “Bio-Flasher” screen when you start your computer here is the easy way to get rid of it:

Fix #1:

Restart the computer. You might have just accidentally pressed a key to start your computer’s bios flasher.

Fix #2:

Make sure that you don’t have any CDs or DVDs in your computer. Eject any that are there. Restart your computer.

Fix #3:

Make sure you don’t have any USB drives and external hard drives plugged into your computer. Restart your computer.

Fix #4:

Remove any network adapters you might have plugged in recently. The computer might be mis-identifying them as bios flash devices.


How To Fix Angry Birds Frozen At Loading Splash Screen Android

If you’re trying to play Angry Birds and the game is stuck at the loading screen then here is the easy fix.

The problem here is that Angry Birds is trying to load data from the internet and freezes when it can’t connect but thinks that it should be able to. This usually happens when you’ve left your Wifi network (such as at your house or work) or you have low or no cellular data.

There are two ways to fix this:

The first way is to reconnect to the internet. Connect to a Wifi network or make sure you’re in an area with reception.

If you don’t have reception or you’re using a device with no data plan then you can simply disable cellular data. This will tell Angry Birds not to waste time trying to download files from the internet because you’re not connected. (This won’t stop you from receiving or making calls, that will still be fine.)

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap on Data Usage
  3. Make sure Cellular data is turned Off

Depending on what phone you have the instructions may be a little different. But all you have to do is turn off cellular data. That’s the solution.


How to Change My Location in Kijiji

I recently moved to a new city and found that Kijiji still thought I was in my old city. An ad I posted showed up in the wrong place!

Frustratingly the “My Location” field in the top right of the page was greyed out and didn’t allow me to change my location. It looked like this:

Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 11.13.03 AM

See where it says “My Location Ottawa”? No way to change that. You can click on it all you want and nothing happens.

The solution is ridiculously easy.

Step 1: Login to your account

Step 2: Click on the Kijiji logo in the top left of the page.

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Step 3: On the home page the My Location field is now changed and you can click on it. A drop down menu will appear where you can select whatever location you want.

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Step 4: Select your preferred location and click Update. And that’s it!

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How To Fix Tangerine Bank Error: Sorry Due to Technical Difficulties We Can’t Process Your Request


Here’s how to fix that annoying Tangerine Bank ATM error: “Sorry, due to technical difficulties we can’t process your request right now. Please contact 1-888-464-3232 for assistance.”

The solution is pretty darn simple.

I had a new Tangerine account that I hadn’t used for a few weeks and when I finally got around to trying to make a deposit I received the error that I quoted above. I must have returned to the Tangerine ATM for a week trying again and again assuming that there was some sort of temporary technical problem.

Then I realized how dumb I was being. It turns out that I was pressing “Savings Account” when actually I had a chequing account. I returned to the ATM and sure enough once I selected chequing account the machine operated just fine.

So if you’re getting the error try selecting the other account type. That will probably fix things for you.

(Tangerine: I know this is my fault for forgetting what kind of account I had but maybe you could change your systems to actually say: “Hey dumb dumb you don’t have a savings account, try chequing.”)


How To Fix “Power Button Lock Out” On Monitor

If you’re getting this message on your monitor then you might not be able to turn your screen off. Here is how to fix it quickly and easily.

Many users have reported this problem with HP monitors and I’ve had a few in my shop over the past few years.

Fix #1:

Disable the monitor’s Power Button Lockout Function by pressing and holding the power button for 10 seconds.

Fix #2:

If the first fix doesn’t work then you can do what is called a factory monitor reset.

Simply unplug the monitor from power (unplug from the wall). Then press and hold the power button for 40 seconds.

Then plug the monitor back into the wall and turn it on.


How To Get Rid Of That Annoying Apps Button In Chrome Bookmarks Bar

You can get rid of that annoying apps button in Chrome’s bookmark bar with two clicks!

The Apps button was put into the bookmark bar by Google in order to promote their products and give users an easy way to reach the various google products they might be using.

In order to remove Apps from the bookmark bar simply do this:

Step One: Right-Click on the Apps Button

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Step Two: Click on “Show Apps Shortcut” to remove the checkmark

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And that’s it! The Apps button is gone!

If you ever want it back just follow the same steps.


How To Get iPhone To Show Up In iTunes

Current versions of iTunes use Wifi Sync to tie together your iPhone with your computers iTunes library. But what happens when your iPhone doesn’t show up?

There are a few different fixes for this problem. Try them in order from easiest to more difficult.

Fix #1: Check Your Wifi

Let’s start with something really simple and stupid: Are both your iPhone and computer connected to the same wifi network?

Just make sure. Could save you some time.

Fix #2: Turn Wifi Off Than On Your Computer

By turning off Wifi on your Mac (or windows computer) and then turning it back on you’ll force iTunes to re-scan the network for devices.

  1. Close iTunes
  2. Turn off Wifi (on a Mac just click on the Wifi button in the upper right of your screen and then click Turn Wifi Off)
  3. Wait fifteen seconds
  4. Turn on Wifi (on a Mac just click on the Wifi button in the upper right of your screen and then click Turn Wifi On)
  5. Open iTunes

Fix #3: Turn Wifi Off Than On Your iPhone

Similar to Fix #1 except this time we’re going to force your iPhone re-scan the WiFi network.

  1. Swipe up from the bottom of your iPhone to open up the Control Centre
  2. Tap the Wifi button so it goes grey
  3. Wait fifteen seconds
  4. Tap the Wifi button again so it goes white

Now wait a few seconds (or even a minute) and then check iTunes to see if a connection was made.

Fix #4: Turn Your Computer And Your iPhone Off Than On

Self-explanatory. Turn both devices off then off.

Yes it’s a hassle. But for most of you this step will probably re-connect your devices and you’ll be able to on with your life.

Fix #5: Make Sure WiFi Sync Is Actually Enabled

  1. Connect your iPhone to your computer with the USB cable
  2. Open iTunes
  3. Click on the device in iTunes
  4. Click on the Summary button
  5. In the Options section make sure “Sync with this iPhone over Wifi”
  6. Click Apply

Disconnect the USB cable and see if WiFi syncing works