How To Stop Photo Booth From Flipping/Mirroring Pictures and Video

Apple’s Photo booth software automatically flips your photos and videos. It does this in order to mimic what you see in the mirror. Here is how to stop it.

Because we’re so used to seeing ourselves in a mirror (which flips how we really look) Apple decided to make their photobooth program also flip the image. Otherwise we’d think our selfies looked “weird”.

But here’s how to turn flipping off:

  1. Open Photo Booth
  2. Click on Edit in the top bar
  3. Then click on Auto Flip New Photos

That’s it! To turn flipping back on just do the same thing.


How to fix the “Your Profile Could Not Be Opened Correctly” Chromebook error


This is a frustrating problem but fortunately a simple one to solve. I know people who had trouble with this one for months! But it only takes a minute to fix.

I’ve listed a few fixes here from easiest to hardest. Some are for Chromebook users and other are for Chrome users on a Mac or Windows. If one doesn’t work then just try the next one.

Fix #1: Remove additional users (Chromebook only)

(Skip this is you don’t have multiple accounts/users on one Chromebook. Instructions for people using Chrome on Mac Or Windows are in Fix #2)

If you are sharing your Chromebook then simply remove the other users. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the sign-in screen
  2. Click on one of the additional accounts
  3. There is a downward arrow in the upper-right corner of the profile picture, click it
  4. Click “Remove this User”

Repeat this step for every additional user. Leave your own account (you won’t be able to remove it anyways).

See if the error still appears. If it does not then just add the accounts back one by one and enjoy your Chromebook!

Fix #2: Remove additional users (Chrome Browser Only)

(Skip this is you don’t have multiple accounts/users in your Chrome Browser. Skip this is you’re using a Chromebook, this is for Mac and Windows users.)

  1. Open Chrome
  2. In the top-right corner click on the button with the current user’s name on it
  3. Click on Switch Person
  4. Hover your mouse over the account you need to remove
  5. In the top-right corner of the profile picture click on the downward arrow
  6. Click Remove This Person
  7. Click Remove This Person in the window that appears
  8. Repeat this for all accounts.

Fix #3: Delete “Web Data” file (Chrome Browser Only)

(Skip this is you are on a Chromebook)

For Windows:

  1. Close Chrome
  2. Open an Explorer Window by clicking on Computer
  3. Navigate to: “C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\”
  4. Delete a file called “Web Data”
  5. Restart your computer
  6. Open Chrome

For Mac:

  1. Close Chrome
  2. Press Command+Spacebar to Open Spotlight Search
  3. Type in Terminal, press Enter
  4. Type in “cd /Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default” (without quotation marks)
  5. Type in “rm -rf History*; rm -rf Web\ Data;” (without quotation marks)
  6. Open Chrome

Fix #4: Remove AVG toolbar (Windows Only)

If you have AVG antivirus then make sure you uninstall their added AVG Safe browsing toolbar. People have reported problems where the toolbar has caused this error.

Follow the instructions on the AVG webpage to remove the toolbar from your computer and from Chrome.

Fix #5: Completely reset your chromebook (Chromebook Only)

This step will completely wipe your chromebook so you need to backup all of your data first. Again: this will erase EVERYTHING and bring your chromebook back to the state it was when you bought it.

  1. Click on your account picture in the lower-right corner of your screen.
  2. Click on Settings. A window will appear.
  3. Click on Show Advanced Settings at the bottom.
  4. Find the “Powerwash” label and click Reset.
  5. In the window that opens click Restart.

Once the chromebook restarts you will be presented with the setup window. Go through the setup and enter your google account information.



How To Make Nested Folders iPhone – Folder Inside A Folder

Here is a quick and easy way to put a folder inside of another folder on your iPhone using a glitch in the iPhone software. Using this method you’ll be able to make more room on your home screen!

Here’s How To Do It

First we need to turn off some of the iPhone animations (don’t worry we’ll turn them on later).

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on Accessibility
  4. Scroll Down to Reduce Motion
  5. Turn Reduce Motion To On

Now go back to your home screen.

Create your two folders. Name one folder “Outer” and the other “Inner”. The Inner folder will go into the Outer folder.

Next follow these steps:

  1. Put the outer folder into your dock
  2. Hold down on the folder to enter “edit mode” (when all the icons vibrate)
  3. Start opening and closing the outer folder by tapping on it a bunch of times, you’ll notice a bit of a delay between opening and closing
  4. Just as the outer folder is closing (and before it begins to open again) hold down on the inner folder. If you timed it correctly you should now be able to place it in the outer folder!

To re-enable your iPhone’s fancy animations make sure to turn Reduce Motion off:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on Accessibility
  4. Scroll Down to Reduce Motion
  5. Turn Reduce Motion To Off

Here is a video describing this trick if you need a visual guide:

But be aware: because this takes advantage of an iPhone software flaw your folder will separate when you reboot your iPhone. To nest your folders again just repeat these steps.


How To Enable “Hey Siri” Even If You Aren’t Connected To Power

“Hey Siri” is an amazing feature found on the iPhone that let’s you talk to Siri without having to even touch your phone. Officially it only works when your iPhone is plugged in and charging. Unofficially here is now to enable it to work anytime.

The process is very simple. First make sure that “Hey Siri” is turned on:

  1. Tap on the Settings App
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on Siri
  4. Turn on “Allow Hey Siri”

This will turn on Hey Siri and allow you to speak to your phone handsfree. However it will only work when the phone is plugged in. This is to prevent your phone from draining battery and losing power. To have your iPhone stay on all the time listening for “Hey Siri” would take a lot of power. So your iPhone will not allow you to use Hey Siri unless it detects that it is charging.

But now here comes a neat trick! Here’s how to enable “Hey Siri” without having to be plugged in: put your iPhone into a battery case. This will put your iPhone into a state of constant “charging” and “Hey Siri” will be active all the time, whether you are plugged in or not.

Here’s a cheap and well reviewed battery case for the iPhone.

Hope that helps!


How To Check Amazon KDP Earnings On Your Android or iPhone (Mobile App)

If you’re selling your writing on Amazon you’re probably like me and check your earnings a gazzilion times a day. I’ve wondered if you could check your earnings and stats on your phone via an app and the good news is you can!

For Android:

If you own an Android smartphone (hint: if you don’t have an iPhone or Blackberry smartphone you’re probably running Android) then you can use the free Afterword app.

You can download from the Google Play Store here or you can just search for it in the Play Store app on your phone.

Here’s the description of the app:

Are you a Kindle author? Check your book sales data in seconds. Use the refresh button to retrieve the latest sales reports from Amazon KDP. You can use the drop-down menu to see your books’ sales in a different country, or click on a book to see the sales for that book in all countries, all at once.

Now here’s a warning: this app doesn’t appear to have a lot of downloads and it for sure isn’t affiliated with Amazon. You take a bit of a risk giving them your amazon credentials when you log in using their app. So far the reviews look good but just be aware of the risk. As usual I am merely acting as an information service and take no responsibility for your use of any of the products I recommend.

For iPhone:

Unfortunately I am unaware of a similar app for iPhone. You’ll have to continue using Safari. If I find an app I’ll update this post. Check back soon!


How To Speed Up And Fix Slow iPhone 6 Plus

If your iPhone 6, 6+, 6s, or 6s+ is working slow then try this simple tweak to speed it right up.

Simply follow the directions:

Step One:

Tap on Settings

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 10.20.17 PM

Step Two:

Tap on General

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 10.20.40 PM

Step Three:

Tap on Accessibilty

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 10.20.56 PM

Step Four:

Tap on Increase Contrast

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 10.21.16 PM

Step Five:

Turn on Reduce Transparency

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 10.21.26 PM

And that’s it! Your iPhone should now be working much faster.


How To Fix the iPhone White Blotch/Blur In Top Left Or Right Corner

Are you getting a white blur when you unlock your iPhone or open and close some apps? I personally started to get this problem recently but it wasn’t difficult to find a fix. And it’s easy!

First here’s what it looks like:

photo iOS+7+white+blotch

That annoying white blur kept on appearing whenever I unlocked my iPhone and closed certain apps like the calculator app.

The Fix:

In my case all I had to do was move the Google Maps app from the second row of the home screen to the third row. And voila! The problem was gone.

I remembered that I had recently moved the Apple Maps app to my “Junk” folder (I don’t like Apple Maps yet) and I had placed the Google Maps app where the Apple one used to be: on the second row. Turns out the iPhone doesn’t like the Google Maps app being there for some reason.

When I moved the Google Maps app to the third row and second column on my iPhone the white blur stopped happening.

Why does this happen? I have no idea. But I’m glad that the fix is that simple.

Note: if you don’t have Google Maps then it may be another app/folder causing the problem. Move the apps you have on your second row somewhere else one by one. One of these should be the culprit.

Let me know in the comments below if this worked for you!


Solution to iTunes Not Letting You Categorize Audiobooks

If you’ve downloaded an audiobook from somewhere other than the iTunes story and you’re trying to categorize it as an audiobook but iTunes is only showing you “Music” in the Media Kind settings here is the solution:

  1. Delete the audiobook from iTunes (make sure you have a copy somewhere first!)
  2. Next steps are time-sensitive. Do them as quickly as possible one after the other.
  3. Re-import your audiobook into iTunes
  4. IMMEDIATELY select all the tracks of your audiobook in iTunes and press Command-I
  5. In the window that opens go to the Options Tab
  6. In the Media Kind menu select Audiobook
  7. Press Okay

Explanation: iTunes has a bug where it misidentifies some of your audiobooks as music. This is likely due to iCloud sync. The solution is to import the audiobook files and immediately change the file type to audiobook before iTunes can scan the files and categorize them incorrectly.


How To Disable Chrome Notifications Icon On Mac and Windows

The Chrome Notifications icon is a way for Chrome to deliver information to you from Google Now or from one of your Chrome extensions. For example if you use gmail it will alert you with a popup notification that you have new email.

Pretty cool!

But if you don’t want these notifications (and it’s totally understandable if you don’t) then you can easily turn them off by doing the following:

Turn Off Chrome Notifications On A Mac


  1. Click on the Chrome Notifications icon
  2. Click on the little gear settings icon
  3. Uncheck every single box you see
  4. Open Chrome
  5. Click on “Chrome” in the top menu bar
  6. Click on “Hide Notifications Icon”

And that’s it!

Turn Off Chrome Notifications On A Windows PC

  1. Click on the overflow/more arrow in your System Tray
  2. Click on Customize
  3. Change Chrome behaviour to “Hide icon and notifications”



How To Use Android Pay On Rooted Devices

If you have rooted your phone you’ve quickly found out that you can’t use it for Android Pay. Google and its partners are very careful about their Android Pay system and feel that rooted phones pose a security risk to their service and your data. Your phone will tell you “Access Denied” or “Your device is not compatible” or something similar.

But if you want to go ahead and use Android Pay on a rooted phone anyways here’s how to do it.

The key to this trick is to hide the fact that you are rooted from Google Play Services. These Google Services are the backbone of many apps and systems on your phone and if the services don’t know you’re rooted then neither will Android Pay since it relies on Google Play Services to check for it.

Follow these steps on a rooted phone:

  1. Download the Rootcloak  Xposed module
  2. Install it on your phone
  3. Open the Rootcloak list and add both Google Play Services and Google Services Framework to it
  4. Clear data from Google Play Services by going to your phone’s settings. Then navigate to the following: Apps > All > Google Play Services > ‘Manage Data’. Tap clear all at the bottom
  5. Power down and then restart your phone

When your phone powers back up launch Android Pay and add your cards to it. It should work! But beware! There is probably a good reason why Google doesn’t want rooted phones to be able to do this. So use caution.

(Note: Some users report that Samsung phones may still not work because of their added Knox protection. Let me know if you phone does or doesn’t work using the above method.)