How To Enable The Charging Sound On Your Macbook

The iPhone makes a pleasant chime when you plug it in to charge. Wouldn’t it be nice if your Macbook did the same? Well here’s how to do it!

With this tip your Macbook will make a quick chime sound when you plug in the power cord. You’ll know immediately that a proper connection has occurred and charging has begun.

  1. Disconnect your Macbook from the charger
  2. Open up Terminal (press down Command and Spacebar at the same time and type “Terminal” into spotlight, then press enter)
  3. When Terminal opens copy and paste into it the following: defaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool true; open /System/Library/CoreServices/
  4. Press Enter

If you don’t want the sound anymore in the future do the following:

  1. Open up Terminal (press down Command and Spacebar at the same time and type “Terminal” into spotlight, then press enter)
  2. When Terminal opens copy and paste into it the following: defaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool false; killall PowerChime
  3. Press Enter



How To Run Photoshop On A Chromebook

Chromebooks are amazing machines however you may, sooner or later, wish to run Photoshop again to get some productive graphic work done. Here are three easy ways to get Photoshop on your Chromebook.

Enroll in Photoshop Streaming

Adobe is working on a way to “stream” Photoshop to your Chromebook. And it actually works great! Here’s what they do: Adobe runs the Photoshop software on their computer systems and then they stream that software to your Chromebook. In other words Adobe is doing all the processor heavy lifting, all your Chromebook has to do is receive the stream.

This means that even a $200 Chromebook can run Photoshop well!

Right now Photoshop Streaming is limited to the following people:

If you’re enrolled in school (college/university) then your college might offer free membership in one of those programs!

In order to enroll in Photoshop Streaming simply fill out the application form on the Adobe website! You can find it here:

Use Pixlr Editor instead


Do you actually need Photoshop? Or do you need the basic photoshop features? Before we move onto how to run Photoshop on your chromebook we should ask ourselves: is there another piece of software that will do all that we need it to do?

For the majority of people using Pixlr Editor instead of Photoshop will work just fine. It features all the popular tools Photoshop has and it runs in the browser!

To use it simply get on your chromebook and navigate to:

Stream Photoshop from your PC

All right. So you’ve tried Pixlr Editor and decided that you need Photoshop instead. That’s understandable. Photoshop is much more powerful and features a lot of needed tools for many people, especially professionals.

The next easiest way to get Photoshop on your Chromebook is to run Photoshop on your PC and stream it to your Chromebook. This means that you’ll need a PC (or Mac) running somewhere with Photoshop open and an internet connection from your Chromebook to that PC.

So here’s what you do:

  1. Install Photoshop on your Mac or PC
  2. Install the Google Chrome browser on that PC
  3. Install the Chrome Remote Desktop Extension on that PC. You can find it here.
  4. Open the Extension on the PC and select “Share this computer for another user to see and control”
  5. You will get an access code
  6. Now (leaving the PC running) go to your Chromebook
  7. Install the same Chrome Remote Desktop Extension on your Chromebook
  8. On your Chromebook click on “See and control a shared computer”
  9. Enter the access code you received in step 5
  10. And bam! You have control of your PC/Mac on your Chromebook! You can run any programs that your PC has remotely on your Chromebook.



How To Fix The Chromebook error: “This device is already locked in a mode that prevents enterprise enrollment. If you want to enroll the device you need to go through device recovery first.”

Here is the easy fix for the Chromebook error: “This device is already locked in a mode that prevents enterprise enrollment.  If you want to enroll the device you need to go through device
recovery first.”

Fix #1: Wipe the Chromebook in order to restart enrollment process

  1. Make sure you backup your data. All data will wiped from the Chromebook
  2. Follow the instructions found here.
  3. If you wish to enroll your Chromebook in an Admin Account then follow these instructions afterwards:

Fix #2: Completely reset your chromebook

This step will completely wipe your chromebook so you need to backup all of your data first. WARNING: This will WIPE everything on your Chromebook.

  1. Click on your account picture in the lower-right corner of your screen.
  2. Click on Settings. A window will appear.
  3. Click on Show Advanced Settings at the bottom.
  4. Find the “Powerwash” label and click Reset.
  5. In the window that opens click Restart.



How To Transfer and Download Pictures From An LG Dare Phone

A lot of people still have an LG Dare hanging around the house that has a lot of old pictures on it. Here’s how to get those pictures from the phone to your computer.

Method #1: Transfer Pictures to an SD Card

The LG Dare has a slot into which you can place an SD memory card. If you have a SD Card handy this is an easy way to get your pictures. If you don’t then just use Method #2.

  1. Insert SD Card into LG Dare.
  2. Tap on Menu on the main screen (the button with four dots in the centre)
  3. Tap on Media Centre
  4. Tap on Pictures and Video
  5. Tap on My Pictures
  6. Tap on Options (it’s in the bottom right corner of the screen and looks like three horizontal lines on top of each other)
  7. Tap on Move
  8. Select all of your images by tapping on them
  9. Tap Move
  10. Tap To Card
  11. Tap Yes when it asks you whether you want to “Move to Card and restore defaults”

Now they’re on your SD Card! All you have to do now is put that SD Card into your computer and transfer your pics. Or you can bring the SD Card into your local photo printing place and print your pictures right from the card.

Method #2: Transfer Using A USB Cable

You can also use a USB Cable to connect your phone to your computer in order to just drag and drop the photos. However the computer first needs special software called a “driver” in order to understand how to talk to the phone. (These are instructions for a Windows PC.)

  1. Download the LG Dare USB driver
  2. Install the driver
  3. Restart your computer
  4. Connect your LG Dare to the computer with the USB Cable
  5. Open a file explorer windows on your Windows computer (either by double-clicking Computer on the desktop or by clicking on the icon in your taskbar that looks like a folder and says “Windows Explorer” when you hover over it)
  6. If you’re running Windows 7 or above then in the left column of the Explorer window there will be an entry for “Computer”. Click on it to expand it.
  7. Your LG Phone should be listed. Click on it.
  8. And now just copy and paste the photo and video folders to your computer!

How To Remove The Ask Search Toolbar From Chrome And ChromeBook

The Ask Toolbar loves to sneak onto all sorts of computers. Fortunately it’s easy to remove. It’s usually bundled in with other software and tricks you into installing it. Follow these steps to remove it:

  1. Click on the Chrome “Hamburger” button in the top left of the screen (looks like three horizontal lines on top of each other)
  2. In the Menu click on Settings
  3. On the left of the screen click on Extensions
  4. Look through the list and when you see anything to do with “ask search bar” click on the garbage can to remove it.
  5. Now on the left of the screen click on Settings
  6. Click on Manage Search Engines
  7. Hover over “Google” and click on the Make Default button that appears
  8. Look through the list and when you see anything to do with “Ask” click on the X to remove it

And that’s it! The Ask Toolbar is now removed from your Chrome browser or Chromebook.


How To Fix Java Install Did Not Complete Error 1618

Fix #1: End Competing Installation Programs

Sometimes Windows gets confused when installing software because it tries to install too many things at once and freezes up. Ending any programs or updates installing in the background can solve error 1618.

  1. Press the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys on your keyboard at the same time
  2. Click on Start Task Manager
  3. Click on the Processes tab
  4. Find and left-click on MSIEXEC.MSI in the list
  5. Click End Process
  6. Try installing Java now

If that doesn’t work then move on to the next fix.

Fix #2: Restart Your Computer and Reinstall

  1. Restart your computer (turn it off, then turn it on)
  2. Download the offline Java installer:
  3. Run the offline Java installer.

If that doesn’t work then move on to the next fix.

Fix #3: Uninstall Java Entirely and Reinstall it

  1. Uninstall Java from your computer by following the instructions here:
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. Download the offline Java installer:
  4. Run the offline Java installer.


How To Fix Error 80240020 When Installing Windows 10

Error 80240020 is displayed when your Windows installation folder becomes corrupted. The fix is quite simply. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the folder “C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download”
  2. Delete all items in that folder.
  3. Open the Command Prompt as an Administrator
  4. Type “wuauclt.exe /updatenow” (without quotes)
  5. Go to Control Panel and open Windows Update. The update should begin download once again.

If the above doesn’t work try change your computer’s time to a month forward or so and try the above steps again.

And if everything fails and Windows Update just refuses to work then just download Windows 10 directly from the Microsoft Website here:


How to fix the shockwave crashed error on a Chromebook

If you’re getting an error message telling you that shockwave has crashed or “Chromebook cannot load Shockwave Flash” it’s not actually because of shockwave. Here is how to fix it in under a minute.

The real culprit here is Adobe Flash. To fix Flash and get rid of the shockwave error you need to reset your adobe flash license files. Fortunately this is real easy on a chromebook. Follow the following steps:

  1. Click On Menu (the button with three horizontal lines in the top right corner of your browser)
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Scroll down to Show Advanced Settings and click on that
  4. Under Privacy click on Clear Browsing Data
  5. Then Click on Adobe Flash Player Settings
  6. Click on the Protected Content Playback Tab
  7. And then click on Reset License Files

And that should do it!


The Top 5 TV Shows for Computer Technicians, IT Workers, and Programmers


Looking at television shows on cable and the internet these days reveals programs with characters from a great diversity of backgrounds. All races are represented. Both sexes. All ages (well probably not, pop culture is overwhelmingly obsessed with the 15 to 21 age range). All sorts of careers and lifestyles.

But technology workers who specialize in programming or IT or computer repair are strangely absent. If they are included then it is as a cliche anti-social basement nerd or some sort of magician-like deus ex machine who is around to solve the plot at the last minute using technobabble that doesn’t correspond to anything in the real tech world.

But there are some glimmers of hope out there in TV land. Listed below (in no particular order) are the top 5 shows that either feature tech workers as main characters or feature technology in a realistic and entertaining way. Included are both television shows and internet web series.

#1: The IT Crowd (2006)

What IT worker doesn’t know about this show? Four seasons and a special episode of IT goodness are found in this BBC produced series featuring two IT workers at a giant corporation who are forced to get along with their new technologically illiterate boss.

The series features lots of laughs and plenty of inside jokes for tech enthusiasts. Keep an eye on the background props and stickers for shout outs to all sorts of geek culture stuff.

#2: Silicon Valley (2014)

A show about a group of guys who create a startup in Silicon Valley and then go through all the tribulations of bringing their company to market. This show I haven’t seen yet personally but I have heard nothing but great things about it from everyone who has mentioned it.

#3: Halt and Catch Fire (2014)

From Wikipedia: “The series is set in the Silicon Prairie of Texas in 1983 and depicts a fictionalized insider’s view of the personal computer revolution.” So far one season has aired and a second is slated to appear in 2015.

#4: The Website is Down (2009)

This is a funny web series about the ongoing problems faced by a technical support IT worker. Very low budget but extremely funny. So far 5 episodes (well… 4.5) have been made, the last one in 2011. The best part? They’re all pretty short and you can watch them all online for free! Legally! I’ve embedded the first episode here:

#5: Dilbert (1999)

You’ve probably heard of the long-running comic strip but did you know that Dilbert was a television cartoon as well? It ran for two seasons and features an electrical engineer main character trying to survive in the corporate world. From wikipedia:

“The series follows the adventures of a middle-aged white collar office worker, named Dilbert, who is extremely intelligent in regards to all things that fall within the boundaries of electrical engineering. Although Dilbert’s intelligence greatly surpasses that of his incompetent colleagues at work, he is unable to question certain processes that he believes to be inefficient, due to his lack of power within the organization. Thus, he is consistently found to be unsatisfied with the decisions that are made in his workplace, because of the fact that many times he has many suggestions to improve the decision, yet is incapable of expressing them. Consequently, he is often found to show a pessimistic and frustrated attitude, which ultimately lands him in various comedic situations that revolve around concepts like leadership, teamwork, communication and corporate culture.”

What other television or internet shows do you know of that feature technology and technology workers? Share them in the comments below!


Print: Free Computer Backup Checklist

backupchecklist_v1_thumbDocument Name: Computer Repair Backup Sheet

Formats: OpenOffice, MS Word, PDF

Modifiable: Yes

Download: OpenOffice (21KB)

MS Word (29KB)

PDF (53KB)

Description: A general purpose backup sheet for those small repair shops that need one. It has a variety of sections from specific common folders, to technician notes, to email and WiFi settings.

At the bottom of the sheet there is a paragraph that the customer reads and signs for to protect yourself and to let the customer know the details of the backup service.


Cost? Free and given by theFakeGeek to those that need it.

Disclaimer: I give this away and am not responsible for any of its use. I’m not providing legal advice or anything like that.